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Pornography: The Most Profitable Profession January 31, 2006

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I found it interesting that the person (Linda Lovelice) who started the pornographic revolution with her movie “Deepthroat”, ended up talking out about it. This is very unusual. She must have really believed that the porn industry was to blame for her sorrows in life. And after looking at all the facts, one would tend to side with her. It can be seen that she may have been coerced into making these movies by her abusive boyfriend and the MAFIA. It seems kind of “tacky” that she would make alot of money and a name for herself through porn, and after her run in with the porn industry, she talks out about it. Seems kind of fishy to me.

I was also very surprised to see that with any new media’s, and/or new technology, if you produce pornography with this new technology, you are pretty much guaranteed to do good business. This is seen in France with Minitel, and in the U.S. with the Internet.

It is interesting to see how new technologies are actually used, rather than how they were intended to be used. One major example is Minitel. Though it was intended to serve as a “phone book”, it ended up serving the pornography industry as a way for people to have “chat” sex.

Look, cellphone cyber sex is a new medium for pornography. I am surprised this hasn’t caught on quicker. I think that the next big thing is going to be pornograhy on Ipods. Give it a little bit of time, and I guarantee it will catch on!!


Posted by panamared in Uncategorized.
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In response to the Jenna Jameson’s Pod Cast: I thought this was very intriguing. I just posted a Blog stating that I thought pornography on Ipods was going to catch on soon, before I even read the news of Jenna Jameson. I believe that this is a really profitable direction for the porn industry to move in. It is once again proven that new mediums are very appealing to the pornography business. This will undoubtedly be very profitable for Jenna Jameson and the porn industry as a whole, over time. IPod porn and cell phone porn are the two newest mediums for porn to be delivered to peoples, both of which are being used by the porn indusrty.


In response to Coppersmith’s Chapter 1 Article: January 30, 2006

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I found the statistics surrounding the pornography industry very interesting.  I had no clue that the pornography business was such a profitable one.  I also found it very interesting that the pornography industry is directly related to the rise in technology.  The VCR, DVD and personal computer all gained popularity because of the pornography industry.  I also didn’t know that with the invention of the camcorder. came the rise of Do It Yourself pornography.  Weather this was one of the intended uses of the camcorder, or not, Do It Yourself pornography has skyrocketed the sales of camcorders.  Weather intended, or not, DIY porn has become a major pastime of sex-interested citizens.

The major point this article was trying to make was that the pornography industry is directly related with new technologies, and that people interested in porn will try out new technologies faster than non-porn interested peoples will.  People who are interested in porn are more likely to experiment with new technologies that relate to porn, than other peoples are.  Technology and porn have been directly related for some time now, and they will continue to stay connected as long as new technologies make way for new types and mediums for pornography.

Reaction to NUDITY AND AMERICA by get me thinking January 27, 2006

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In response to the post: Nudity and America written by get me thinking, I agree that Americans are very uptight concerning nudity.  If you go to Europe, you will see many, many nude beaches.  Here in America, few to none of these types of places exist.  Even when vacationing in Florida in Miami Beach, I noticed something very interesting.  I was staying at a hotel that was the hotel of many Europeans on vacation.  At my hotel pool, there were many European women who were topless.  I also saw alot of European men wearing tight speedos(though not exciting to me, it is a valid observation).  The nakedness startled me at first becasue I wasn’t expecting this.  The very same day, I went to visit my friend down the strip at another hotel, which happened to be a hotel that was mainly American tourists.  His pool area was just as any American would “expect” it to be.  Fully clothed people, wearing regular bathing suits.  It was apparent to me that Americans were uptight about their bodies, for no apparent reason.

It seems as though Americans are uptight about sex too.  I once heard that if you go up to 20 women in Europe and ask them, “can we have sex?”  The result is 1 out of every 20 will say “yes.”  Does anyone know if this statistic is valid?  Has any data like this ever actually been collected?

Howard Stern and Cyber Porn January 26, 2006

Posted by panamared in Uncategorized.

I am writing this blog just to get an idea of what people think of Howard Stern.  His name is one that goes hand in hand with pornography.  What are everyone’s thoughts on what Mr. Stern does?  Is it moral? Is it legal?  Is Howard Stern’s show cyber porn everyday?  It is a fact that he does transmit pornography over the radio?  Is this the same type of thing as cyber porn, just in a different form?
You can learn more about Howard Stern from his website .

Howard Stern just started a new job at Sirius Satellite Radio, in order for his show to go uncensored by the FCC.  Should satellite radio be uncensored?  You can read more about Howard’s new “home” here.

What is Pornography? January 26, 2006

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After viewing the third lecture in Cyber Porn and Society, I have a few things on my mind.  Firstly, I thought that the skit in the beginning did a real good job of portraying society’s views concerning porn.  It is pretty apparent that a lot of the population either watches some sort of pornography, or actually engages in some sort of “pornographic conduct” in their own personal lives.  With this being the case, pornography is widely criticized and attacked as a “wrongful” thing to do.  It is seen that many people are bring hypocrites.  “Do as I say and not as I do.”  This can be seen in the skit when the wife admits that she has seen the pornographic film, but on the other hand, she was upset that her husband had been engaging in the same activity.

Secondly, I agree that it is very hard to define the word pornography.  I strongly believe that the definition of pornography is in the eye of the beholder.  I also know that since the definition is in the “eyes of the beholder”, everyone’s definition of pornography will be different.  This is exemplified in the many tests that the Supreme Court has tried to enact and use in order to define pornography.  So, the question at hand is, since pornography can be defined so  many ways, which definition and/or test should be used to determine if something is pornography?  I don’t have the answer to this question.  As seen in the past, the Supreme Court has tried to define pornography using tests, and just as in the past, I am sure the Supreme Court will switch the definition of pornography as times change, and as attitudes towards pornography changes.  It is amazing how much things can change concerning a single topic over time.  Back when TV was first invented,a fully clothed man kissing a fully clothed woman was considered provocative on TV.  Today, this seems like a daily happening on TV, and todays society thinks nothing of it.  In short, the times we are in defines what pornography is.

This is a follow up to my first blog (About Me) January 25, 2006

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I finally figured out how to get this blogging thing to work.  I am an undergraduate law student at UB.  I am from the New York City area.  I am interested in taking this course because cyberporn is a “hot” issue in today’s society.  Cyberporn is also all over the news concerning the law.  Many new precedents are being handed down by courts concerning porn on the internet.  I believe that this class will help me to more clearly understand cyerporn.  I hope that we will discuss, atleast briefly, the law as it is concerned with cyberporn.

This is my first Blog January 25, 2006

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This is just a test to see if I can actually Blog!

Hello world! January 25, 2006

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Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!