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Pornography: The Most Profitable Profession January 31, 2006

Posted by panamared in Uncategorized.

I found it interesting that the person (Linda Lovelice) who started the pornographic revolution with her movie “Deepthroat”, ended up talking out about it. This is very unusual. She must have really believed that the porn industry was to blame for her sorrows in life. And after looking at all the facts, one would tend to side with her. It can be seen that she may have been coerced into making these movies by her abusive boyfriend and the MAFIA. It seems kind of “tacky” that she would make alot of money and a name for herself through porn, and after her run in with the porn industry, she talks out about it. Seems kind of fishy to me.

I was also very surprised to see that with any new media’s, and/or new technology, if you produce pornography with this new technology, you are pretty much guaranteed to do good business. This is seen in France with Minitel, and in the U.S. with the Internet.

It is interesting to see how new technologies are actually used, rather than how they were intended to be used. One major example is Minitel. Though it was intended to serve as a “phone book”, it ended up serving the pornography industry as a way for people to have “chat” sex.

Look, cellphone cyber sex is a new medium for pornography. I am surprised this hasn’t caught on quicker. I think that the next big thing is going to be pornograhy on Ipods. Give it a little bit of time, and I guarantee it will catch on!!


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