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TCBlog’s’ April 27, 2006

Posted by panamared in Uncategorized.

In response to TCblog's blog concerning, "Pick up and go!  That's out motto!", I agree that pornography is treated very differently in different places.  The differences can be from community to community, from state to state, or from country to country.  It is very hard to know how one place going to look at pornography.  It is seen through all we have learned in this class that many countries overseas (mainly European nations) have a much more laid back approach and feelings towards pornography.  In the U.S., porn is made out to be a huge "epidemic".  I wonder if it is actually such a big problem, or is it just made out to be a bigger deal by "big brother".

To clarify for the blogger, you state, "it seems a little strange when people will travel the world just to get their fix of their favorite porn".  This seems strange to you because you are not obsessed with porn.  There are people out there that are addicted to porn, just as some people are addicted to crack.  When a person is addicted to something they will go to great depths to satisfy their addiction.  The reason the blogger cannot understand someone doing this is because he/she does not know what it is like to be "hardcore" addicted to something. 


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