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Measuring Sexual Arousal in the Brain March 25, 2006

Posted by panamared in Uncategorized.

Just as a follow up to something Dr. Halavais mentioned…  Going along with the idea of measuring sexual arousal in men and women, there are new studies going on in this field.  As mentioned, the ridgoscan is a device used to measure a male’s sexual arousal during a day, but it is much harder to measure a female’s sexual arousal.  They are now doing brain scans to measure people’s sexual arousal.  When a person is sexually aroused, certain chemicals are released in the brain, and this can be seen on a brain scan.  This fairly new technology is going to be very useful in the study of sexual arousal.  By using brain scans, we can see what types of things turn people on and what types of things turn people off.  Obviously people are different, and something that turns me on might not turn you on, but putting that aside, this is going to be a monumental breakthrough in this field of science.


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