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Kiddie Porn Ruling March 10, 2006

Posted by panamared in Uncategorized.
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Just an interesting link to a news story.  Here,  a California supreme court ruled that law enforcement agencies can search people’s computers if they are suspected of viewing kiddie porn.  The specifics are explained in the article.  I think that this decision is a good one by the supreme court, I just hope that law enforcement doesn’t abuse this authority that they have just gained by this decision.  By this I mean, in theory, law enforcement could just say they were looking for kiddie porn on someone’s computer, when in actuality that is a lie, and they are just trying to find some other incriminating evidence on this person’s computer

Relaxed Attitudes?! March 10, 2006

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As the GREAT songwriter and musician Bob Dylan once said,  “times they are a changing.”  This is clearly seen in Dr. Halavais Lecture # 17.  It is very interesting that times change so much.  As exemplified, “back in the day” women would never show off their shoulders, but they would let their breasts hang out.  Today, it is very different, as we all know.  I have learned in other communications and psychology classes at UB that trends come full circle.  One example is bell bottom pants.  Back in the 1960’s they were “cool”, then they faded out, and then again in the 1990’s they became “cool” , and now I think they have faded out again (but I am not sure).  Back in the early 1900’s, it is my understanding that women dressed very conservatively, and as time went on they started to dress more liberally.  I believe that sooner or later the trend will come full circle and women will once again, as a whole, begin to dress conservatively again.  This may take 100 years or so, but I think it will happen!  I also see this same trend with the dress of men.  In the business world it is becoming rapidly accepted that business people will “dress down” on Fridays.  That is, on Fridays everyone will wear a casual outfit to work instead of a suit and tie.  It is funny because, my grandpa is very old fashioned, he was born in the 1920’s, and he criticizes people for dressing down on Fridays.  He thinks it’s very unprofessional and he will not accept it, so he does not do it.  He tells me, that on Fridays, he is in the minority because so many people these days are dressing casually on Fridays. My grandpa is one excellent example of how times change.

Niches: Big & Small March 7, 2006

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I found it interesting that there are so many different niches out there (lecture # 16).  I had no clue there were so many small niches that apply to small numbers of people.  It was exemplified that one of these niches is watching the news everyday while the news people strip.  I would never have thought that this niche existed.  There are a lot of niches out there that I would never even think about.  This news examples is one of them.  It is weird how one niche can attract millions, while another niche can attract only a small amount of people.

To me, it almost seems easy to make it in the cyberporn industry on line.  All you have to do is come up with a niche that is not out there on the web, and create a cheap website about that niche.  This may be harder than I thought because after surfing the web, I have found that a ridiculous amount of niches exist on the web, so it may be hard to find a niche that is not already taken.  But once you do find the unused niche, you are golden.  It seems like if you find an unexploited niche, you are guaranteed money in your pocket. The hard part is finding this niche! GOOD LUCK!

Response to “My Lovely Library Lumps…” March 2, 2006

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In response to the blog My Lovely Library Lady Lumps by emf8, I think the problem here is money.  Google is getting money (if not Google, than someone is benefiting) from Porn companies to list their sites on the top of the search list for a number of key words.  It seems logical that one of the key words would be “breasts”.

Google could come up with a search engine specifically for medical related searches, but what motivation does Google have to create something like this?  Is someone going to pay google to create a search engine like this?  I highly doubt it that the CEO’s at Google will do something like this without a monetary payout.  In this case, it would be up to the medical field to get money together to pay for something like this, and since it is such a big field, it would be difficult.  I think a strictly medical related search engine is a great idea, but the probability that it will happen is very slim.

Illegal Sex Over Seas March 2, 2006

Posted by panamared in Uncategorized.
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As a follow up to my last blog, here is a news link that talks about a man that molested 2 Vietnamese girls in Vietnam.  This is one example that helps to prove my point that much of this stuff goes on abroad and not here in the U.S.

Sex, Slaves, and More Sex! March 2, 2006

Posted by panamared in Uncategorized.
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The Frontline special on sex slaves had a huge effect on me.  I honestly had no clue things like this happened.  It was a real eye opener!  I think the problem here is that many people don’t think that slavery really does still happen.  When they hear about incidents like the ones described in the special, they either don’t believe it, or think it is an exaggeration.  I think everyone should be educated on this subject, because slavery is still around and it can be stopped.  The things these pimps put these women through is intolerable.  As if it isn’t enough that these pimps already own these women, and the women are obviously going to be put to work as prostitutes, but they beat the women too and force abortions, etc.  I think it is a cultural thing.  It seems as though people in other nations, as a whole, are not brought up with as high morals as people in the U.S. are brought up with.  There are people in the U.S. who traffic and prostitute women, but I think it is too a much less extent than many other nations.  It also has something to do with the justice systems of other countries.  In many other countries, their legal systems are very corrupt!  This makes it real easy for pimps to work.  They can either not worry about prosecution in these countries, or pay off people in the legal system.  Therefore these countries are perfect for pimps and other illegal professions to work out of.

I have a question that can hopefully be answered by someone: If you search on the Internet, you can get mail order brides sent to the U.S from almost any country of your choice.  My question is, are these businesses affiliated with sex slaves?  Is this just another “cover”?  Or are these truly women who know they are coming to the U.S. to marry?

Exploiting People Thru Porn?! March 2, 2006

Posted by panamared in Uncategorized.
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I found it very interesting that there are so many ways to make money through porn, directly and indirectly (lecture # 15).  There is the direct way, which is actually acting in porn or directing porn.  There is also an indirect way to make money through porn, which is banners, advertisements, etc. on the web.  There are a plethora of ways to make money through porn just by advertising for certain companies.  Just by getting people to click an image (that they don’t necessarily want to click) you can make money.  But the question I have here is is this ethical?  It seems obvious to me that many of the ways to make money through porn on the Internet are unethical.  Tricking people to click a link or image in order to make money for yourself is not an ethical thing to do.  Why does it seem as though unethical practices thrive in the pornography industry?  Even Professor Halavais said it himself.  He said something to the extent of, “it is not about producing porn for the good of the people, it is about making money.”  What ever happened to doing things in life that bettered the world as a whole? What happened to doing things as a profession that you enjoy, not just finding a job because it makes good money?  It seems to me that most of the business people in the porn industry are just along for the ride in order to make money.  Though there is a minority that actually love porn and are in the porn business to try and make it better.  I thought there was more to life than making money.  Don’t misunderstand me here, I am in college to better my education, which will in turn increase my salary when I get out of college.  But when I get out of college, I am not going to jump at the first job that offers me a lot of money (hopefully some company will) if I don’t like the job.  Instead I am going to search for a job that I really want to do.  Some people may say this whole blog sounds all nice, but it is not a reality.  This is not true, though people need money to survive in the U.S., an abundance of money is not essential.  You see many, many working class families that are more than happy with their lives (they aren’t rich), and you see a lot of rich families that don’t enjoy their lives.

Blog Thrice & You’re Nice! March 1, 2006

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The purpose of this blog is to evaluate my performance in Cyber Porn and Society.  Let me start off by saying that I have been watching all of the lectures on time.  I am up to date with the lectures and I find the topic of cyber porn interesting enough that I can sit down and actually enjoy watching the lectures.  I also am a big fan of the supplemental material.  I like being able to watch a “frontline” special, for example.  It changes the pace of the course a little bit, instead of just watching Dr. Halavais talk all the time (though I do enjoy watching his lectures, too much of anything is not good).  After every lecture I do my best to write at least one blog in response to that lecture.  Also, at least one time weekly, I scroll through the blogs of my classmates and comment on one of their ideas or comments.  Though I haven’t done this every week religiously, it has happened more often than not.  Along with this, I try to stay up to date with the news surrounding the pornography industry.  At least 3 times a week I surf the web for a small amount of time to look up any recent news articles concerning porn.  I also see if there have been any recent court decisions concerning the porn industry.  If I find a news article concerning porn that has not been mentioned on our Blog aggregator, I comment on that incident and put up a link to that article.  I think I add to the class.  I put thought in to my blogs.  I don’t just rattle off some “BS” (excuse my slang).  One thing I regret is not having enough time to read through all my classmate’s blogs.  There are just too many blogs to read through every week.  I hope it is not expected of us to read all the blogs, because if this is the case, this does not seem fair to me.  In my opinion I have earned at least a B+ so far in this class.